Extend The Life of Your Serial Devices With NPort Device Servers
A large number of legacy devices in the field can be very discouraging to engineers when they have to connect them to collect data remotely. Backed by our proven industrial connectivity expertise, our serial-to-Ethernet solutions can give your legacy devices a new lease on life. What's more, you don't need to worry about spending extra time and money on replacing these devices that are still in good working condition. Our NPort serial device servers not only meet your different connectivity demands, but also ensure that device connectivity is easy, secure, and reliable.
Commonly Seen Serial Devices
The Coexistence of Serial and Ethernet Devices
Although Ethernet-based communication interfaces are the trend, it doesn’t mean you need to get rid of all your existing serial devices to pursue a full revamp. When upgrading a system, a number of considerations need to be taken account, of which equipment cost plays a major deciding factor. For example, replacing a CNC machine is extremely costly, which would tremendously impact the budget of most businesses. Another considerable cost burden is the deployment costs attached to replacing dozens of serial-based power meters, as more IP devices would require more investment on networking switches and SCADA-licensed nodes. Therefore, it makes sense to keep the RS-485 power meters, which come with the benefits of multidrop wiring. Furthermore, replacing other legacy devices such as IEDs also comes with high acquisition and deployment costs.
Adding serial-to-Ethernet device servers between your serial devices and modern systems is a
cost-saving and effortless solution to not only enjoy the simplicity of serial communications but
also take advantage of what Ethernet offers you.
The Perfect Choice for the Digitalization of Your Legacy Devices
Easy to Use
From device configuration to device management, our NPort Series features user-friendly interfaces and smart connectivity functions, making device connectivity easy for engineers.
Secure Connection
Moxa’s NPort Series offers security features that include user
authentications, console management, and network access control, enabling connectivity
security with less effort.
Industrial Reliability
Our rugged NPort device servers can withstand surge and extreme temperatures. They are also certified for various industrial environments, making them ideal for your industria
Choose the Serial Device Server That Works for You
Download our Selection Table for a quick overview of the serial device servers that Moxa offers.
Keeping Device Connectivity Simple
As industrial connectivity experts, we know that your field-site applications need to accommodate a lot of equipment and include system features with different communication protocols and interfaces. If you are looking for more edge connectivity options, Moxa has a wide-ranging product portfolio that can meet your connectivity demands.